LXIII Edición: Temporada de lluvias

The queen and what she means to me, a noble woman, a celebrity, head of the church and her family, but what else?
What if we go a little deeper, she a noble woman or grim reeper, head of state, like a cricket game in Oval. Possessor of overseas realms, lest the sun not forget, para llegar a los límites de tu tierra, you’ll need a jet forever. British outposts and what the kingdom has to boast, the lions and the coat of arms, the queen sitting on her qualms!
You boys from Africa to Bahamas get on your knees and pay repentance, all your countries they’re indentured, she a freedom giver or life sentence.
Then we got Charles our new king from the Saxe Coburg Gothas, oh he sure has a lot to offer, a good sport and magnificent monarch, he backed Arab regimes in every war they fought, of course that not something we were ever taught. Salam aleikum may peace and glory reign upon us. A gravedigging emanation, the royal seal to guns deals and tornado jets, sitting at his shiny desk, too lathargic to even pick up his pen. The face of a commonwealth built on bombs and rampage, does the Union Jack uphold morals or engender rage?
BAE systems and what’s right or wrong, just tell the truth, you been lying to us all along. Get off your laurels jerk, you never even done a good days work. You’d of been better staying south and funding your NGOs, or who knows, cos even those, you granted citizenship to your Saudi bros in exchange for a few dollars. So you solemnly pledge to uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation and the overseas Territories that never got emancipation. We didn’t just steal their souls we took their fucking nation.
Every time you mention diversity, you cower and your lips shiver, the only thing you’d use a gurkha as is a service giver. The representation of destruction, in the past and the modern day sends his mum to the fairies and guns to yonder hill. I agree there’s peace in death but you kill. And that’s not mentioning your brother, a child molester like no other.
In fact, our values have remained but what were they from the start? To embrace inclusion and better the British nation with billion dollar arms deals, while the land tremmers but British jobs abide. All the Yemenis can do is throw back rocks as their worlds collide, but it don’t matter, those rockets they just pitter patter. Their far enough away that it remains hearsay, we don’t directly slaughter cos that ain’t the British way.
And now your head of the church and the clergy, the biggest private land owner in old blighty, half the population bereft of a home to call their own ain’t feeling so mighty. Would you care to lift a hand too to aid a fellow British man, not even slightly.
Créditos de la imagen: Flickr, https://www.flickr.com/photos/fdctsevilla/3986244487
Ciudadano del mundo, amante de la naturaleza y los animales, en desacuerdo con el sistema desigual y destructivo en que vivimos.
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